About VA6YXH
This repeater (AllStar 56848) which I own and operate is an RF gateway to the Western AllStar to Echolink bridge for the DoDropIn conference (AllStar 62470). VA6YXH has been on air since 2022 running 24/7/365 on 444.000 Mhz (+ 5 Mhz, 110.9 Hz tone) in the local area.

VA6YXH is custom built around 2 Tait TM-8105 UHF radios and a pair of Raspberry Pi 4B's running the HamVoIP software. The duplexer in use is a Sinclair mobile unit. It is designed with range to cover the city of Medicine Hat via RF. It can also be accessed via Repeaterphone and DVSwitch from anywhre on the planet with internet access.
I provide local amateur radio operators and listeners with the opportunity to hear some really interesting content in the areas of science and astronomy., as well as a variety of other topics.
VA6YXH Repeater Specs
Location: Medicine Hat, Alberta, Canada
Frequency: 444.000 MHZ FM
Offset: + 5.00 MHz
Tone: 110.9 Hz (input only)
Mode: Analog FM
AllStar: 56848
Connected to DoDropIn (www.dodropin.info)