Astro imaging has been my thing since the summer of 1977 when I started taking my first images with an old 35 mm camera,
My primary imaging rig at present consists of a Celestron Ultima 8 that has had the Hyperstar conversion performed on it by myself, along with the Hyperstar 8 V4 lens with a ZWO ASI533MC Pro camera. I am using the Antlia triband-RGB filter in the filter drawer.
This OTA is mounted an a Skywatcher EQ6 Pro mount that is controlled by an ASIAir Plus 256, and I am using an ASI290MM guide camera on an Orion mini-finder guider. All of this communicates over WiFi with a Samsung tablet.
For processing images I have used AstroPixel Processor until recently. As of September 2024, I have switched entirely to using Pixinsight.
I am also using a Seestar S50 in addition to the big rig. I bought the S50 to collect the Messier catalog for fun..
I also have an Explore Scientific ED80 which can also sub in place and make a fine imaging scope as well.
I am not sure if it will be used as an imaging rig or not, but I just bought a Celestron Comet Catcher for my collection too.
In additon, I have a pair of DSLR cameras on tripods with interval timers. I have a Canon T7i and well as a Canon Xs.
Rounding out my gear, I have a planetary imaging rig consisting of a ZWO ADC as well as a ZWO ASI462MC planetary camera.